Restaurant de Campo Cerro Frias Patagonia
At the Cerro Frías base, the Farm Restaurant is located which is the center of operations and resting spot for all of our visitors. It is located 5 km away from the Provincial Route 11, when entering Estancia Alice. It is an elegant and cozy 250 square meters space, with large windows that provide views to the Centinela Valley, the Rico branch and Torres del Paine.
The building is heated, equipped with a kitchen, wood-fire ovens, a bar and restrooms. The main room has a capacity for 100 seated people and a comfortable living room in which our visitors may relax and contemplate the horizon, read information material or exchange experiences with activities guides and mates.
At noon, a traditional asado (barbeque) with grilled vegetables is served at the Farm Restaurant, everything is cooked in wood-fire ovens, and there is also a snack bar open which offers tasteful homemade courses.
Visitors will also find an exquisite gift shop with carefully selected products so they can take home a present for their loved ones or have their own souvenir from their mountain experience. Maps, jams, liquors from El Calafate, local crafts and pictures of the most beautiful surprises in the mountain are some of the products that they may acquire at our gift shop.
The Cerro Frias’ Farm Restaurant is a place for recreation, amusement and for contemplating the generous nature that can be found at the southernmost region of the Argentine Republic.
Furthermore, this is a space suitable for any type of private event.
